Monday, August 25, 2008

My math whiz!!!

Brittanie just got done with her first College Algebra class. On the first day, everyone is required to take a test that covers all of the material they are going to learn throughout the semester and then they take it again at the end of the semester to see the improvement. The professor told everyone they don't expect anyone to pass that test. Brittanie got 94 out of 100. Her professor told her there was no need for her to come back. She passed. But she said she paid for that class and the book for it and wants to brush up on her math skills because she doesn't know if she will have to take more algebra classes in her last 3 years of college. By the way, she had the highest grade on that test. The next highest was a 75. It's in the genes! Tom and I are both good at math. Tom's mom has an accounting degree and my biological mom was an accountant while my biological dad is a math teacher! So she gets it honestly. But I'm very proud of her!!!

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