Wednesday, August 20, 2008

She's in the Army now! (kinda)

Brittanie went to ROTC this morning to get her gear and she called me when she got out. She was very excited that she has ACU's with SIGHTLER on it. Here is a picture of her patches. (The plain patch is where her rank goes. Obviously she doesn't have rank yet.) She has the cool windsuit for PT that 1SG always wore. She loved it and wanted me to buy her one last year but they were too expensive. I'm glad I didn't because the Army just gave her one. The one thing that unnerved her was they gave her a parachute. She was not at all happy when she saw that. She said "Kevin told me that was optional! I'm NOT using that thing. I'm NOT jumping out of a plane. I will quit today!" I told her to chill out because they probably gave her that to teach her how to pack one or in case she decides to go Airborne later. She said getting all of her gear was a real dose of reality. When they handed her the helmet, she said her first thought was "As seen in!" Yep before she was just playing soldier in JROTC. Time for the real deal.

Last night Brittanie and I watched Army Wives and the story was about a woman who lost her husband in combat and got $100,000 up front and $400,000 later in death benefit. Well today she had to sign that paper to say who she wanted her death benefit to go to. She was kinda creeped out by that but she put my name down and signed the papers. That creeps me
out too. I wish she would change her mind but I know she won't so I'm going to just be proud that I have a daughter that is willing do die for her country and pray that she doesn't.I was able to convince her to let me take a picture of her in her ACU's but she refused to smile. She said you don't smile in uniform for pictures. She realized after she took the pictures that her flag and ROTC patch were on the right sides. But since she wouldn't let me take another picture with them put on right, I'm keeping these pictures up. She was up late last night with Courtney watching a movie. She went to bed at 6am and got up at 6:30am, got dressed, and went to her ROTC meeting. Then she came here and had lunch with me and now she is crashed out in Tom's recliner. She is going to pick up Katie from school for me and then going to get her teeth cleaned at the dentist's office. Hopefully she will go to bed early tonight because she starts her full day of classes tomorrow!

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